Aug 19, 2009
5:35 pm

Now coming back to the tags, these are some tags which have been doing the rounds of blogosphere recently and curiously, they are all related to Alphabets and Numbers. I started untagging myself of the following one at night, so will continue with it, for the time being.
Aug 19, 2009
12:15 am - 01:00 am and 5:45 pm - 6:30 am
The ABC Tag is from Anjan who tagged me on Jul 21, 2009. Sadly, Anjan left the blogosphere all of a sudden, some days after that.
Rules! Rules! Rules!
5:35 pm
First of all, I must inform you that I just nominated my blog for Indiblogger of the Month award for the month of August, 2009. This month, the category is Original Literature - Short Stories. So, whenever, the voting begins, do consider my blog while exercising your Indiblogger enfranchisement.
Taking a cue from the politics, each voter will receive a bundle of the following currency notes; so in short its my version of Notes for Votes.

UPDATE: The Indiblogger of the Month contest is over. I received nine votes. So a heartfelt thanks to all those who voted for me. Click here to see the results.
Now coming back to the tags, these are some tags which have been doing the rounds of blogosphere recently and curiously, they are all related to Alphabets and Numbers. I started untagging myself of the following one at night, so will continue with it, for the time being.
Aug 19, 2009
12:15 am - 01:00 am and 5:45 pm - 6:30 am
The ABC Tag is from Anjan who tagged me on Jul 21, 2009. Sadly, Anjan left the blogosphere all of a sudden, some days after that.
Rules! Rules! Rules!
- Link the person who tagged you..
- Post the rules on your blog.
- Share the ABCs of you.
- Tag 3 people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
- Let the 3 tagged people know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
- Do not tag the same person repeatedly but try to tag different people, so that there is a big network of bloggers doing this tag!
Please bear with my ABC's... Here it goes:
A | Available/Single? | Absolutely Single (actually freshly single). So not sure if ready to Mingle. Maybe, I am. Give it a shot, who knows! |
B | Best Friend? | Rachna ofcourse. She also happens to be my rakhi sister. Among the guys though there is a clear favourite among around 4-5 of them but I'll prefer to keep it under wraps. |
C | Cake or Pie? | I'll love an Apple Pie for a change after too much of the Chocolate Cake. |
D | Drink of choice? | Its water of course; a necessity, choice or no choice. |
E | Essential item you use every day? | Lets start from the time I wake up; Mobile (alarm), Tubelight switch, Slippers, News paper, Shit Pot, Tooth Brush... blah blah blah! |
F | Favorite color? | Red, Blue, Black.. Starting from my tricycle, bicycle, geared bicycle, non-geared Scooty and finally the Pulsar bike; all have been red. Definitely, the car won't be red. When it comes to clothes, I essentially have a blue wardrobe followed by red and black. And yeah, just check, the colour scheme of my other blog, Blog-a-Ton to get an idea. |
G | Gummy Bears Or Worms? | Deepika Padukone |
H | Hometown? | Chandigarh, the City Beautiful. Check this post to know more about it. |
I | Indulgence? | Blogging, I believe and more particularly taking up such tags. This is a big indulgence for a Civil Services aspirant. |
J | January or February? | The period between 2359 hours on Jan 31 to 0001 hours on Feb 1. I remember when in school, both the months sucked. January because, then the schools opened after Winter holidays and February because, then Final Examinations got closer. |
K | Kids & their names? | Of course, no kid. However name for a boy is decided - Mrityunjay. |
L | Life is incomplete without? | Family and Friends |
M | Marriage date? | Lets see. I am not even sure of the year yet or for that matter the prospective bride yet. |
N | Number of siblings? | One and only one, an elder sinister, I mean sister! Just kidding, don't tell her *wink* |
O | Oranges or Apples? | Apple as a fruit, Orange as the juice. |
P | Phobias/Fears? | Well already told in previous tag post - I have fear of height and ... check that post. |
Q | Quote for today? | My favourite one - Hope for the Best and Prepare for the Worst. |
R | Reason to smile? | It can be anything, just anything - To see a baby smile To see a parrot fly To feel a loving hug To have a beer mug To get a nice comment To feel her mesmerising scent To indulge with the friends Just smile at life's every bend. |
S | Season? | That is a tough one. Can't choose between the ice-cream and shakes in summers and dry-fruits in winters. |
T | Tag 3 People? | This is such an old tag that I am last on Blogosphere to take it up. If still there is some one who is left, please take it up and do let me know when you post it. |
U | Unknown fact about me? | Well, I already divulged 5 of them in the previous post. Another one, if you want, here it comes - I don't smoke but drink occasionally, very very occasionally. |
V | Vegetable you don't like? | Vegetable, I hate the most is Ridged Gourd, better known as Tori in Hindi. Other translations
W | Worst habit? | Eating finger nails; actually just bite them off, don't eat them literally; and also pulling my hair (now that might be a reason behind my balding). |
X | X-rays you've had? | Of teeth, way back! |
Y | Your favorite food? | Punjabi, Kashmiri, South Indian, Chinese, Italian, American, Continental..... The favourite dishes are Rajmah-Chawal and Mutton-Chawal. |
Z | Zodiac sign? | Cancer; the so-called romantic emotional fool. |
Aug 25, 2009
12:15 am
Here is another tag related to alphabets, The Favorite Alphabet Tag. It is from Shilpa who tagged me on Jul 24, 2009.
The tag wants to know my favourite alphabet and asks me to share my favourite beginnings with that alphabet.
Frankly speaking, I never thought of choosing between the 26 beautiful alphabets of English. Each plays its role to perfection in order to make English such a beautiful language. So I'll have to forego this one.
P.S. This is the way to take up a tag of a blogger buddy without taking it up :)
Talking of Shilpa, she honoured me with the Zombie Chicken Award yesterday. Yeah, I know it sounds too zombie. Read about it to know the reason behind this peculiar name.

The blogger who receives this award believes in the Tao of the zombie chicken – excellence, grace and persistence in all situations, even in the midst of a zombie apocalypse.
These amazing bloggers regularly produce content so remarkable that their readers would brave a raving pack of zombie chickens just to be able to read their inspiring words.
As a recipient of this world-renowned award, you now have the task of passing it on to at least 5 other worthy bloggers. Do not risk the wrath of the zombie chickens by choosing unwisely or not choosing at all.
So now, do I want to risk the wrath of the zombie chickens. Yes, I am ready to do that. I won't be awarding it to 5 but only one blogger buddy and mind you this is the first award I am awarding till date.
It goes to my dear Blogger Buddy Bharathi, whom I once gave the title of Empathic Libertarian. Actually at that time, I mistook him for a girl and was just trying to impress her.. oops, I mean him. Jokes apart, he is a great thinker but too ideological at times. This difference between our perceptions feed our mammoth debates. He also happens to be the top reflector, i.e. commentator on my blog while I am trying hard to become one on his blog.
So, in short, I am very happy to pass on this award to him. And ofcourse, thanks to Shilpa for passing it to me.
And yeah, number tags, some other day.
Image Courtesy:
From Personal Collection created on (edited) (original)