6 Mar 2010

Time Travel

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 8; the eighth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

“Yes, I love you too,” she said finally.
We met for the first time, three years hence. Before I could realize, I was in love. We had so much in common afterall.
Then came the shocker. She was already committed.
However, I somehow knew, even she’s fond of me. Hence, I had to give it a try.
Like Alchemist’s Santiago, even I had to travel far, to get my treasure.
And I had to get it before anyone else could.
The difference was; I travelled back in time.

Now please don't accuse me of getting off by writing a mini-post in this Blog-a-Ton too. I had to keep it short because continuing with the set tradition on this blog, this is a 88-Fiction on the occasion of my 88th post.

Here are the predecessors - 55th, 66th and 77th.

And yeah, thanks for noticing, this is my first sci-fi romantic story. I hope it does better than Harman-Priyanka starrer Love Story 2050. Oh! You haven't even heard its name. I don't blame you friends.

Well, writing a disclaimer here will be stupid as it's just a science fiction. But maybe it is someone's fantacy. Keep guessing!

Image Cortesy:

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.


Siddhesh Kabe said...

aaaila....did he just beat SRK for being the most romantic lover ever...time travel to get her...ossum!!!

Vipul Grover said...

haha.. well i made a mistake.. I should hav writtn SRK instead of Santiago.. Aftrall it's his favourite role to snatch someone else's love :)

Saurabh Panshikar said...

lol @ above

I feel like this is from the Harry Potter book - Prisoner of Azkaban.

It too involves time travel and complications!

All the best

Mahesh Aadhya Kalal said...

And i wonder will he come back to the present with her or prefers to stay there abandoning the time machine...
well crafted one :)

Anonymous said...

haha :) that was a good one Vipul :) 88 words!! cool!

Parth J Dave said...

Woah! Nice one! You've made an effective and creative use of the topic.. Cool stuff!

By the way, the 88-Fiction post is such an innovative concept. What an Idea, Vipul!

Chetan Maheshwari said...

good one

Unknown said...

great post! :)

Chandni (Chanz) said...


And i really like your concept of 66, 77 and now 88 fiction.. Maybe I would steal this steal from you.. Its just that I havent tried the famous 55 fictiona as yet... :(

Rachana Shakyawar said...

@ Vipul

88 seems lucky to u!

~ You are really good in Romantic stories! Last time too i enjoyed every bit of it...but why just 88..let it be 888 or 8888...i wanna read it all!

Keep the spark Alive..

Tavish Chadha(sensible-bakwas.com) said...

congo for the 88th post!... nice little story u had over there marshal... its was nice and sweet... was hoping it can go longer... but then u can come up with time travel 2.0 and then time travel 3.0 and may be make a series out of it!! Then may be one day u can name this blog Time travel!! well that was a time travel comment....


Blog: Sensible Bakwas

Neha said...

nice one..and thank god you didn't mention SRK here..I don't like him u see :P

next one will be 99er..uske baad ginti aati hai na Marshal?

Vipul Grover said...

@Saurabh.. Haha.. Thts the only harry potter movie, i saw in theatre. Maybe it lft its influence :p

@Mahesh.. Interesting question buddy.. Let me ponder ;)

@Ash.. U like sci-fi's right, ms.techie :p

@Parth.. Hey welcome to the blog buddy. Thnx 4 appeciating the post and indeed I love this concept of flash fictions.

@Chetan.. Thnx :)

Vipul Grover said...

@Mehak.. Thnx a lot :)

@Chanz.. Ye, ye, try it.. It is so much fun.. nd wn u ty, mail me the link 4 sure :)

@Rachana.. oh.. um just a fake romantic story writer.. um pretty boring othrwise :p
Well as long as I have readers like you, I'll keep dishing these stories.. bt yeah writing a flash fiction is in itself a challenge. So 88 or 888 or 8888 wrds hav thr own space :)

@Tavish.. Thnx buddy.. yeah sure, might not post, will mail u the nxt parts nd thn will take ur test too.. Be prepared :p

@Neha.. ye 99 and thn 111 nd so on..
um not tht bad at maths :p

Pankaja said...

wow cool concept ...to travel back to get her...thats the catch.......but do guys really do that ...is the question, may be one out of 88 ;)

Saro said...

If it's under 50 words, i just found out today, it can be a minisaga, so no, it's not an under achievement!

Nice one, if only more women could incite men to travel.. through time, through traffic, through everything!

Nethra said...

Now I know your fantasy. :P
Well many would have wished for the same, right?
Nice post! :)

Er. said...

Sir jee, tusi great ho! :P Ha ha. Very well written. Loved it! Very well thought, Marshal. Thank you for organizing BATOM!

PS: http://bit.ly/aliensandme

Aneet said...

Thnks for letting me know about the link thing. Didn't think about that one! Luckily I have you to point out my folly!

swayambhu said...

wish i cud do the same.....travel back 7-8 years!!!! well written post!!!!

Tangerine said...


definetly DEFINITELY better than that lame bollywood flick!

No comparison there.

Sureindran said...

A good love story, in 88 words. Congrats!

Vinay Leo R. said...

88 Fiction is it? :) It was really nice Vipul.. :) Sci-fi Romance :D

Best Wishes..

Mural! said...

don't worry your story can definitely do better than 2050 :D

Karthik Kotresh said...

Did you just make me read the shortest love story in the world? I think so. ;)
Amazing, Vipul!

Harsha Chittar said...

micro stories always fascinates me, you have done a good job with this one :)

Vipul Grover said...

@Pankaja.. haha, surely not even one out of 88 million.. but yeah many must b fantacising about it :)

@Saro.. lol.. who told u women cant incite??
only they cn :p

@Nethra.. My Fantacy??
No no, i said it's sum1's :p
bingo, it mst b a story of many poor guys (like me :p)

@TVA aka Arjit.. My pleasure buddy.. welcome to blog-a-ton :)

Vipul Grover said...

@Aneet.. ummmmm.. my duty!

@Swayambhu.. now thts too lengthy a time.. lets c if i cn create tht durable time machine for u :p

@Tangerine.. Hey girlie, nice 2 c u.. haha, thnx for giving me better ratings than it :p

@Sureindran.. thnx buddy :)

Vipul Grover said...

@Leo.. hey, thnx thr.. yup, now nxt in line is 99 Fiction :)

@Murali.. haha.. thnx 4 assurance :)

@Karthik.. Nopes, if you want even shorter, read this - The Four Seasons - My first 55er :)
thnx 4 the appreciation buddy.. cuming frm quality blogger like u, feels good :)

@Harsha.. Thnx buddy.. even um hooked to this form of writing :)

Rocksa said...

Hey Vipul! What is it with 88-er, 88th Post and 8th BATOM? Did Dhongibaba by any chance tell you on FB that 8 is your lucky number :P LOL! That's a lot of 8s there! ;)

On a serious note, short and sweet :)Love stories normally tend to get lengthy and boring because of the 'sweet nothings' but this one is sure refreshing :)

Vivek said...

ROFL..yes your 88th post was an interesting one and it will surely do better than Love Story 2050. I liked it :)

Prashant said...

Yeah.. Sometimes i wish i could, turn back time!

Nice post.

T F Carthick said...

Short and sweet like the storied of Kahlil Gibran.

Vipul Grover said...

@Raksha.. haha.. U R FUNNY :p
yup yup dhongibaba only told me tht.. u seem to know him well :p
nd yeah thnx for tht 'serious not'.. keep returning :)

@Vivek.. lol.. thnx for keeping it above 2050 :)

@Prashant.. Yup, we all wish at sum point of time buddy :)

@The Fool.. OMG.. what a comparison. thnx so mch :)

Anonymous said...

True but I also like your cupid tales :D Write more cupid tales!!!

Anonymous said...

You sure find innovative ways to post...:))

Makk said...

Heyy Marshal

As soon as I come here and I smile.

Your ever ending smiling face here.
made me do so.


dont worry...your writings are equally gr8888888.

Keep it up Santiago

Vipul Grover said...

@Ash.. Arre i was talking about my story only.. this one.. a mix of my cupid tales nd ur sci-fis :p

@dilontherocks.. yup, dont want to be get bored, nor want othrs to get bored :)

@Makk.. lol, yeah ever ending indeed.. thnx for tht nice cmmnt.. keep rtrning nd smiling :)

Vinay Sharma said...

smart praise for short write :) .. i am assuming you are one of the driving forces of Blog-A-Ton ! .. is it? ..

.. don like ur sig though :P

Blogger said...

88 words - a new concept ?;) Well , i felt it as filmy , kinda bolloywood stories you know , but very well written ! All the best :)

BrownPhantom said...

Simply loved it Bro.
I am sure, many can identify with it :).
Great work.

Vipul Grover said...

@Vinay.. Hey welcome to this blog, buddy.. well, technically all those blogatonics who actively participate in the evnt r its driving force bt yeah um the medium :)
thnx 4 d praise :)
WARNING : dont dare say a wrd about my sign (i hop thts wat u meant by sig).. i luv it :p

@Blogger.. haha.. it is filmy indeed.. bt v all r filmy, na :p
well, it hs a deeper meaning buddy, js reflects human fantacies, nothing to do with reality..
nd yeah welcome to this blog nd thnx 4 appreciating :)

@Prashant aka BP.. Hey, nice to c u bro.. yeah, i agree, it cn b a story of many wishful hearts :)

tharangni said...

WoW!! This is really nice! and totally new!! loved it!!! :)

Vipul Grover said...

Hey thnx tharangni for dropping by nd appreciating this post :)

Roshmi Sinha said...

Nicely done!