9 Jan 2010

The Destiny's Child - (Blog-a-Ton 6)

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 6; the sixth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

As young Mohandas scrambled through his final law papers, the only thing he contemplated was a comfortable life back home. Little did he knew, his fate had already been written. He was to become the torchbearer of a struggle never seen before, an inspiration for millions to come and the father of a whole nation.

It was on this very day, January 9, back in 1915 that Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi set foot on the Indian soil after his extended stay in South Africa. This 55 Fiction is dedicated to this great day and the great struggle that followed.

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.


Narendra said...

even before i post my link i read your post(last time i missed to read yours i guess :( ).

.nice take...great thought..

keeping marshal happy is important..:P

hope this BAT will be fun...

all the best...

Siddhesh Kabe said...

Seriously...u tot of THAT? oh right... didn't see that bald dude...good going...:D

Saurabh Panshikar said...

Not much a Gandhi fan! But the post does tell us to expect the unexpected and go with the flow...

Just want to congratulate you and the blog for this new idea for the topic...
Keep up the good work!

MADHU RAO | (INDImag.COM) said...

Nice though Vipul and coincidentally BAT-6 was on Jan-9 :-)

Tavish Chadha(sensible-bakwas.com) said...

WOW! thats the only thing i can say... dedicating this ti Gandhi-ji... brillinat....

Must confess - i never really liked fiction 55 before... but this was one of a kind...

P.S. in case u do read my post for blog-a-ton don't mind the reference :)

Latest blog post:All in a days work part 2 - (Blog-a-ton 6)

Rajlakshmi said...

wonderful dedication to Gandhiji...

Vipul Grover said...

Hey Thnx Narendra for being the frst to visit :)
Nd yeah no use humouring me.. um a maverick :p

Lol, yeah the bald dude Sid..
Frankly, this story was not on my mind wn i sugstd this pic.. The story was conceivd on 8th itslf :)

Hey, thnx Saurabh.. I hope u hav a gr8 Blog-a-Ton xperience :)

Vipul Grover said...

Hmmm.. Madhu.. its actually a coincidence or mayb i wantd it tht way :p
naah naah, its jst a coincidence tht i realised on 8th, THANKFULLY :)

Thnx Tavish.. Um happy i could generate ur intrst in 55 Fictions :)
I'll b visiting ur post soooon :)

Thnx Rajalakshmi.. Tht man deserves many sch dedications :)

aativas said...

And Gandhiji wrote a lot.. he believed in bringing change through his writing! Relevant post.

Neha Thakkar Silam said...

nice one Vipul..:)

Harsha Chittar said...

sure do agree, you never know what tomorrow holds for you. good one :)

Vipul Grover said...

Yeah right aativas.. Indeed, his wrds were an inspiration for many nationalists and still show the way :)

Thnx Neha :)

U got it Harsha.. Ordinary ppl only do extraordinary things when faced by some extraordinary situations.. In case of Gandhiji, it was when he was thrown out of a rail compartmnt in S. Africa. Rest is history!

Shilpa Garg said...

Good one!! :)

Dreamer said...

Never imagined I'd see a post about Gandhiji when I saw that pic. :D

Vipul Grover said...

Thnx Shilpa :)

Expect the unexpected Dreamer.. Well, seriously, evn i did not imagine tht i'll write a post on Gandhiji wn i suggstd this pic ;D

Roshmi Sinha said...

An innovative one for sure! Though I am no Gandhi fan...

Nethra said...

I don't fancy Gandhi but it was a nice post. :)
Now, I get why you postponed Blog-a-Ton 6. :P

Karthik Kotresh said...

Oh, I dint know this. Thanks.
Nice one, Vipul. :)

Harin said...

loving blog-a-ton
woo-hoo to you!

Nalini Hebbar said...

my fav. hero too...inspirational!

Prashansa said...

Nice 55 fiction Vipul! You are trying all the forms in BAT! I did not thought first you were writting about Gandhiji so the purpose of 55 fiction is completed.
This time you are in my story so I will like to see your reaction on it! After Madhuji's comment I think you will be very unhappy with me! I hope to seek the forgiveness if you do!!

Bharathi said...

nice one pal. it would have had more suspense had you mentioned Mohan instead of Mohandas.

Talking Skull said...

Kya sir ji, 55 Fiction likh kar shatak liye... ;-)

And, then left us - the inferior souls - struggling to give a caption to the image.... :-)

I have never been a big fan of Gandhiji; so, no comments on the post... :-)

Rocksa said...

Hello Vipul :) Now that's some info there. Thanks for throwing light :)

BK Chowla, said...

Good to see you again.
I have been a great fan of the Mahatma.
Thank you for updating me on this

Just Another Life said...

thats nice... picking Jan 9th to post for BAT-6

Neeraj Shinde said...

I liked the way you ran into the details of "Jan 09" and that doesn't look like a coincidence to me :-)
It was a thoughtful and researched way of posting! :-)

Makk said...

I didn't get you here.

I am dumb guy actually who has been introduced to 55 fiction's concept by you guys only.

how do you categorize this one as 55ier?

Dhiman said...

Lage Raho Vipul Bhai!!! Kaha gayab ho gaye ho.... I couldnot participate in BAT-6 but cannot miss these amazing posts ....

Neha said...

Mr. Vipul - The Marshal, I am glad you liked that post on KickAss..I had asked couple of people to send u the URL of tht post..and I didn't want to do it myself thinking you might find the post offendesive :P

geeta said...

perfect connections...9th Jan,Gandhiji and this picture

Vipul Grover said...

@Roshmi.. Hey thnx buddy.. Well, Gandhi is an enigma.. Fan or not a fan, he is part of every Indian's conscience :)

@Nethra.. Thnx thr.. and u caught me :P

@Karthik.. My pleasure buddy.. thnx for dropping by :)

@Mudra.. Welcome to the gang.. woo-hoo to all the blog-a-tonics :)

Vipul Grover said...

@Nalini.. So here comes a Gandhi fan at last :)
Welcome to this blog :)

@Pra.. Hey thnx thr.. purpose cmpleted for sure aftr reading this cmmnt :)
Hav been to ur post nd rpled too :)

@Bharathi.. Yup, at frst I kept it Mohan only bt thn changd.. dont know why :)

@Talking Skull.. Boss, already everyone gt so mch overloaded in blog-a-ton tht they deserve a 55 F.. Its for for readers, not for shatakofying :p

Vipul Grover said...

@Raksha.. Its my pleasure.. Well another bit of info. that Jan 9 is observed as Pravasi Bharathiya Diwas to commemorate Gandhi's homecoming!

@Chowlaji.. Yup, gr8 2 c u too sir :)

@JAL.. hey welcome to this blog and blog-a-ton as well.. keep reflecting :)

@Neeraj.. Thnx buddy.. well frankly, not mch of a research.. As i mentiond above, this day is a popular one :)

Vipul Grover said...

@Makk.. Well, buddy, its simple 55 Fiction = A short story having 55 words :)
So just count the wrds in this story!

@Dhiman.. lol.. bilkul dhiman dada, laga hua hu :)
Well, going through a lean patch with regards to posting.. Get less time by myself as in office most of the time.. Keep reading the entries :)

@Neha.. Did i hav any othr option bt to like it.. Can't start sulking in the open u c :p
Well pawan did fwd the link bt it was shruti who told me later what lies within :)

@Geeta.. Hey welcome to this blog.. thnx for those apreciative wrds.. keep reflecting :)

Gauri said...

Firstly, ROFL on the ACDS!!! :D

Very well composed dedication to the father of our nation.

Good luck for BATOM6 Mr. Marshall! :)

Shruti said...

Ur thinking is brilliant! Kudos to that! But I frankly felt, this 55F could have been much better, cos, u r capable of that!

P.S: Am finding fault with marshall himself.. :P
But I think This V won't become M and throw me away frm BAT :P

Pushpz said...

Gandhiji, the superstar, was the idea behind the pencil drawing??...ah! and I was thinking of unsuccessful lover..wacking off his brain....well perceptions of a mind..nice :))

Mahesh Aadhya Kalal said...

what else can a gandhi follower can expect to read....
simple and good one... :)
But i had more expectations :(

Vipul Grover said...

@Gkam.. hey welcome to my blog nd blog-a-ton as well :)
Thnx 4 the sweet wishes nd yeah, ACDS works u c :p

@Shruti.. Thnq mam 4 sch a kind review of my humble 55 Fiction :p
yeah, i'll try putting in sum more effort while posting nxt time.. Right now its V u r talking to :)

@Pushpee.. naah.. naah, idea cud hav been anything.. its js tht i ended up intrpreting as the Bapu :)

@Makesh.. Hey, thnx buddy.. definitely, will cum up with sumthing tht u expect in the future :)

Unknown said...

Well written.. I was always amazed by the concept of 55-fiction.. But you have managed to do full justice to the concept.. :-)

Tavish Chadha(sensible-bakwas.com) said...

Hey Vipul... here is my first attempt on a F55...
Click here
do let me know how it is...

also there a post on BAT 6... do read that too here is the Link

Vipul Grover said...

Hi.. Pooja, welcome to this blog :)
Thnx 4 appreciating this post nd the form of writing. try one for urslf nd u'll definitely love it.. keep reflecting :)

Hey Tavish, um visiting straight away :)

lIl hIgH said...

Hey, first time on your blog. Liked the thought process in this post. Quite different :)

Vipul Grover said...

Hi.. welcome to the blog :)
Thnx 4 appreciating the post.. hop 2 c u again :)