6 Feb 2010

What if

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 7; the seventh edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

Image Courtesy:
Me, Myself and I :)


Just Another Life said...

what if... you are missed?

Pramathesh said...

I guess this should be the winning post. :)

Indian Pundit said...

Comments ke liye log kya kya nehi karte!!!!


pawan said...

Post nahi toh vote nahin ;)
But I expected serious stuff :D
So this comes as a pleasant surprise.

Meenakshi said...

hehe.. surely an unexpected one.


Tavish Chadha(sensible-bakwas.com) said...

that was an awesome cartoon u drew of urself!!! damm good i must say...

Just a small clarification thought:
do i consider u for voting or not? :P

Latest blog post: What IF...

Mahesh Aadhya Kalal said...

What if i dont write a comment here ?
:) :) :)

Sureindran said...

lol...anyway, a good cartoon I must say!

Siddhesh Kabe said...


Anonymous said...


Vibhuti Bhandarkar said...

Gr8 sense of humour! Only you could have submitted such a post!! :P
Jokes apart, this is my first time at Blog-a-ton and Im enjoying it to the hilt..
Thanks to your intelligent brainwave, today budding writers like me are enjoying a readership and a chance to express oneself!

Vipul Grover said...

What if I decide not to give individual replies this time?

Vipul Grover said...

Ok.. ok I can't be that rude.. As it is I am not getting much comments these days :p

@JAL.. If that's the case, I'll feel privileged :)

@Pramathesh.. yeah yeah.. give me ur vote :D

@IP.. So true buddy.. khud ko hi dekhlo :p

@Pawan.. Hawwww.. u say this is not a post.. sch a cute cartoon i made.. don't think so mch.. jus vote for it :p

@Meenakshi..Unexpected for me too.. Retrnd frm office at 7 pm.. was out of ideas.. this is the frst thought that came to my mind.. "What if I don't participate this time".. nd so was born this post in just half an hour :)

@Tavish.. Thnx buddy.. well u hav already voted bt if u want u may revote.. i'll secretly delete ur previous vote.. afterall only i cn do tht :p

Vipul Grover said...

@Mahesh.. What if I don't reply to that :p

@Sureindran.. Thnx buddy.. keep retrning to this blog :)

@PB.. I hop u have stopped rolling by now :p

@Vibhuti.. Hey Vibhuti thnx 4 those sweet wrds.. welcum to blog-a-ton and i hop it cn help u in achieving the readership tht u deserve :)

Saro said...

Cheeky monkey :)

Bharathi said...

lazy boy. but ur laziness has a creative point. i should admire it.

Shilpa Garg said...

Good one!!
A big surprise.
I was looking for "Read more" option and soon I realized...
Cheers :)

Dhiman said...

I saw your entry quite down in the order and thought it will be something big but did not expect "this big" ... he he he !

BK Chowla, said...

Good job, the re are those who do not run the race and still get the prize.

Vipul Grover said...

@Saro.. cheeky cheeky indeed :D
Welcome to Blog-a-Ton and this blog :)

@Bharathi.. yeah u better keep appreciating and admiring watevr i do :p

@Shilpa.. lol.. i know what blogatonics hav 2 go thru going thru all the posts.. so its a gift 4 thm :)

@Dhiman.. haha.. man did it aftr rtrning frm office at 7.. was out of ideas or u may say was lazy 2 apply my mind :)

@Chowlaji.. i agree, totally agree :)

aativas said...

Good idea :)

Makk said...

heyy Marshal...

what if ..vipul ... get



Karthik Kotresh said...

Dhuhh!! Man, I'm totally stumped. Lol.. :D

MADHU RAO | (INDImag.COM) said...

That was funny but unexpected. Work pressures again ?

The West Wind said...


That was a funny one. Great cartoon. On a serious note just wanted to thank u for this awesome opportunity to unleash our imaginations harnessed with one single strap. And also for getting to read so many perspectives of the same thing. Thanks once again.

Anonymous said...

hahahah....LOL Thats the best of all..:))

Pushpz said...

arrrey, first write something na, then only we can comment na...ooops! why did I comment???

Vipul Grover said...

@Aativas.. thnks :)

@Makk.. I'll tell u a story.. Wn i was wrking with AIESEC, a global exchange program; I made the foreigners who came in, remember my name this way - WE PULL.. so it's not about 'what if' as it hs already happened :p

@Karthik.. Stumped.. HOWZZAT :p

@Madhu.. thnx.. Well not xactly wrk pressure, more of writer's block bt thankfully not creative block :)

Vipul Grover said...

@TWW.. thnx 4 the sweet appreciative wrds.. Its a pleasure watching comunity grow nd benefit so many bloggers.. However, if u really want to show some gratitude, I'll pass u my a/c no.. u may deposit watevr amount u feel like :p

@dilontherocks.. vote for me thn :p

@pushpee.. What is I still don't write anything :D

ARJuna said...

Hello, I am sending this mail for a reason. I am turning 20 years old on 11th February, Thursday. This isn’t just any other birthday. It’s a coming of age of sorts and more importantly it is the day I cease to be a teenager. I pass on from being a Teen to an Adult.

I want to take this opportunity to connect with teens and adults alike who share my love for blogging. I want to know their views on the teenage and teens.

If you are interested to do a guest post for my blog, please make a note of the following:

1. Send me a reply on arjblogger@yahoo.com as soon as possible so that I know you are interested.(please mention your mail id so that I can send an invite to add you as co author)

2. As soon as I receive your mail I will add you as a member of my blog until 15th February, Monday.

3. You can publish your post anytime in that period though it would be preferable if you could post on or before 11th February, Thursday (so that it can coincide with my ‘coming of age’)

4. I have given a few pointers below to give you some food for thought about what you can blog about in your post.

The guidelines for your post are as follows:

1. What are the most cherished memories that you associate with your teenage?

2. Times have changed – What do you think is the difference between teenagers of yesteryears and those of today?

4. What kind of trials & tribulations, internal conflicts, successes and failures did you face as a teenager?

5. Any precious piece of wisdom you realised as a teenager?

6. What does coming of age mean to you? When do you feel you came of age?

7. If you are a parent then you are welcome to share a parent’s perspective of your kids who are/will be teenagers.

These are just guidelines; you can choose to adhere to all/some of them but remember your style, creativity and opinion are more important.

Looking forward to your reply

Shruti said...

;) :P :) :D

*This is what i felt :P*

Vipul Grover said...

@Shruti.. Now is tht sum code frm Dan Brown's nxt thriller "The smiley code"?

Shruti said...

LOL, M trying to act too smart :P

Makk said...

Ohhh realy Man!

ROTFLol...:) :D :D:D:D:D:D


Harsha Chittar said...

dude... unexpected but funny...

Tavish Chadha(sensible-bakwas.com) said...

lol... yeah i can...provided we have a deal... wat say? ;) :P

Vipul Grover said...

@Shruti.. Thn stop acting :p

@Makk.. :)

@Harsha.. Tht defines me nicely .. unexpected but funny :p

@Tavish.. ummm.. lets wrk out the details thn ;D