20 Aug 2009

Presenting the all new IndiVine 2.0

I believe one of the coolest feature of IndiBlogger is IndiVine. Here we can easily find some real nice blogposts on highly relevant topics.
However, there is no way to know the quality of the post without reading it. Here, I believe posts are stacked as they come and get accepted... So, its very important that such a feature is added to it, which allows the better posts to reach the top of the stack.

This is how I started a dicussion on Indiblogger forums a couple of months backs, suggesting the Indiblogger team to come up with an improved version of IndiVine.

Renie Ravin, the man behind Indiblogger replied promptly

Vipul, I'm really glad you brought this up at this time - we have had IndiRank on our must-revamp list for some time now. I love the direction of your thoughts, and I'd love to see the suggestions from other bloggers as well.

and with that started the suggestions from other Indibloggers and further inputs from my side as Renie and his team started implementing the changes.

Finally, on August 19, 2009; the Indiblogger team has revealed the all new Indivine 2.0 and it looks really interesting.

I must thank Renie for acknowledging my contribution towards this effort on the forum

A special thanks to Vipul Grover and the gang who pushed us to do this. Personally, I think it's something IndiBlogger badly needed - a fact I never would have realized if not for the forum!

and the F.A.Q.'s and Indiblogger's official blog as well.

IndiVine in it's present avatar is a direct result of the collaboration among bloggers on the forum, where Vipul Grover and all the usual suspects decided how it should be in order to help the Indian blogging community.

Its always nice and easy to make some random sugestions and take the credit, while the real hardwork of implementing them is done by someone else. So, I must congratulate Indiblogger team and thank them for doing a great service to the Indian blogging community.

Well, I have already added 43 of my 67 posts on the IndiVine and I don't have to wait for the moderators acceptance as earlier. All my posts went live as soon as I hit the 'Enter'.

Now what are the other cool features of IndiVine 2.0, you must be wondering.
Well, for one, now there are a lot more categories and sub-categories under which you may add your blog-post.
But the coolest feature is the fact that you can vote for the posts you like reading and push them up the queue. Voting score, a post gets is partially dependent on the the submitter's IndiRank; so higher your Rank, higher score, you'll get each time someone votes for your post.
Other than that on the sidebar of IndiVine page, there is a widget showing the top contributors to IndiVine. Presently, I rule the roost thanks to the recent submissions. Lets see for how long I can stay there.
On the sidebar, there are also the trending topics, the legacy of the old IndiVine.
Moreover, you can choose to see the latest post submissions as well as the most popular ones on the IndiVine.
And if you find any post in the wrong category, obscene or plagiarized, you may also report it to the moderators in just a couple of clicks.

For any further queries visit the F.A.Q.'s and for any further questions, reporting of any bugs or suggestions for improvements like adding new categories or sub-categories, visit the forum. And as Renie says

Freak out and fill up the categories with your blog posts - and vote away!

Talking of the vote, do not forget to vote for my posts if you like them.

Further talking of the votes, I must inform you that I also nominated my blog for Indiblogger of the Month award for the month of August, 2009. This month, the category is Original Literature - Short Stories. So, whenever, the voting begins, do consider my blog while exercising your Indiblogger enfranchisement.

Before leaving, I must thank Indian Pundit for giving me the Humane Award yesterday. He describes Humane as being characterized by kindness, mercy, or compassion; marked by an emphasis on humanistic values and concerns.
Also Shankar gave me the Beautiful Blogger Award recently and endowed me the title of Reflector for (my) great reflections and reviews about various topics. Thanks buddy.
You can see both the awards on my sidebar widget Fellow Bloggers' Affection Reflected.

And last but not the least, I must congratulate a dear F.B., Shilpa Garg on reaching her Diamond Jubilee post.

Image Courtesy:
http://www.indiblogger.in/ (original)


Bharathi said...

Hey pal you deserve every accolade you received. It was a brilliant idea.

Vineeta said...

Hats off to you and all those who brought up this point and supported till the end. I am not kind of so active on Indiblogger but will check Indivine now :)

Unknown said...

wow..Indivine is changed..its great..nice initiation vipul..and congrats for those awards...

Renie Ravin said...

Yo Vipul, nice post bro... and thanks again for all the ideas! :-)

Shilpa Garg said...

Mission accomplished!!
That's wonderful Vipul! :)

Though, I have not been on Indivine. But will check it out now!!

And thanks a lot for mentioning my feat on your blog!! :)

Vipul Grover said...

@bharathi.. thnx pal.. do visit Indivine ndadd ur posts:)

@Vineeta.. thnx:) chk it nd also participate.. its a nice way of reading stff of ur liking.

Vipul Grover said...

@Shankar.. hey thnx buddy.. keep showering sch awards ;)

@Shilpa.. my pleasure.. havnt read d 100th post yet.. will visit right away:)

Vipul Grover said...

@Renie.. Hey now thts ur frst reflection on my blog.. gr8 2 hav u here.. gr8 execution:)

Dhiman said...

Gr8 job Vipul ... I have been watching Indivine earlier but didn't know how to use it but now I find it'll be very useful to get to know some best posts not just blogs.... very good idea...I am checking it and may be put up some of my posts as well...

Vipul Grover said...

@dhiman..Yup do it 4 sure.. nd now tht u r visiting it.. dont forgt 2 vote 4 sum of my posts ;)

Nita said...

Hi Vipul. Had no idea that you were involved in Indivine. And your observations about Renie are correct. He is a fair person and very helpful too. I had that experience when I dealt with him briefly during the contest. I wish him all the best in this new venture.

pawan said...

That's cool man!
I must actually tell you something here, I first came to your blog through the Indi Blogger forum, from the Indivine thread some two months ago, but thanks to it, I have found one of my favorite blogs, and yet again , I am happy that you caused a err.. revolution!

Btw, I posted stuff on Indivine, do check and vote, I have zero votes as of now :(

Vipul Grover said...

@Nita.. Now this one post is really pulling some gr8 crowd 2 my blog, frst renie nd now u:)
gr8 2 have u here.. thnx 4 leaving ur reflection.. nd yeah renie is a nice nd humble prsn indeed.

@Pawan.. hey buddy thnx 4 showering all those praises.. nd yeah i will surely vote 4 ur posts right away:)

Shruti said...

hey vipul..
i tagged you for that 8 marvels...
after seeing your comment on shankars blog!!

enjoy doin the tag!!!!!

Sugandha Gupta said...

congrats dude ...
u deserved the acknowledgement... its a great idea

Shruti said...

check out my new 55Fiction and give me your comments! Honestly!


Vipul Grover said...

Hey thnx Suga..cheers indeed :)

Yup,Shruti I'll leave my HONEST reflections for sure :)

Shruti said...

hey am following you now!

Vipul Grover said...

OMG.. I mst hav done something gr8 2 impress u at last :p
It pays 2 b honest, i blive ;)
U hv been blogrolled evn b4 u cud strt following me, 2 save u d effrt of informing me bout ur nice new posts :)
keep reflecting.. god bless!

Shruti said...

hey thank you so much for blog rolling me!! I feel honoured

Roshmi Sinha said...

Great job Vipul! IndiVine is rocking, these days :)

Vipul Grover said...

Thnx roshmi.. keep adding ur posts thr:)

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