She's an ordinary girl
A girl next door
And thats the thing about her
That i adore
She has no pretensions
Won't go case by case
She is what she is
Always in your face
She is too matured
At times for her age
At other times she's a kid
Difficult to engage
She will pull your legs
With a naughty glint in eyes
That you will just give in
To her innocent tries
She likes to be by her own
Most of the times
But is a great company
When a partner in crime
She is the perfect girl
You will like to take home
And introduce gleefully
To your dad and mom
She reads this, i hope
And know that it's her
Because no more proposing shit
And subsequent torture
Image Courtesy:
Awww:D You sure this is just a poem?
Either way it's really cute:)
Switching over to poetry?
@PeeVee.. U r right, its not just a poem, its a song :p
yup, its cute js like her (i hop u got ur answer :)
@Chowlaji.. Poetry has always been thr :) Doing lot of serious writing and reporting in J-School, so u gt read the lighter stff on blog :)
@Ashwini.. haha, surely describd many grls.. bt i hop not too many gt a wrong signal :p
mmmm, i hop to stick to those last two lines, bt u nvr know :)
well written with a good flow, and correct description
Hey thnx Chetan..
But correct description o_O
How do u know her??? :p
Beautiful with lovely rhyming...Love it:)
Cute n very sweet..
ACDS or Acute Comments Deficiency Syndrome. !!! :D
very creative & beautiful poem 1st time i am reading ur script! nice :)
u actually also descibed the girl-next-door wih genuine thoughts....
Oooh, clever:)
Yes, I did!
You should totally make sure she just 'accidentally' drops in here:)
Not sure if she'll be humored by sch an accident PeeVee:)
Really sweet.
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