With nothing to feel high
So when came the sophomore year
I was sure I must give a try
Got together a bunch of mates
To do something to develop our personalities
So we launched a club with a bang
And everyone wanted to join in
Made some wrong decisions early on
Those left out just cried foul
They got together to show us down
The game was surely on.
Meanwhile, on personal front
I finally made some strides
Started talking to the girl I had loved
All my life
Here too I made a mistake
Jumped the gun too soon
“Can’t we be just friends” she said
And I felt like a cartoon
Back at the club, we somehow
Gathered the strength to move on
Determined to not give it up
We started planning for a grand showdown
Again, when it came to love
I was not ready to give up as then
Kept trying to convince her somehow
In the hope she’ll finally relent
Our club event came
It was a hit
We surely felt victorious
The seeds of labour we sowed
Reaped a crop glorious
On love front victory was hard to come
But I kept trying to woo her
It went on and on with no end
Even after sophomore year was over
When I look back today
All seems so stupid and meaningless to me
That ecstasy in succeeding in endeavours
And gloom when things weren’t
What I wanted them to be
Life has moved on
Those days are left far behind
But one thing is pretty clear
What I started in my sophomore days
Is there to stay
As the struggle of life
To bear.
In the Image:
The first executive team of Panache, the club we started.
Me - top right corner.The first executive team of Panache, the club we started.
She - keep guessing!
Image Courtesy:
My personal collection (edited)
Really good ! Didya win the love or just moved on? I moved on and am happy I did !
All the best for your Love pal.
@ avdi nd bharathi
hey thts history, hav movd on long ago:)
didnt mntion in d poem 2 leave sum stff for comments section;)
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