This is the 50th post on this Blog. I decided to dedicate this Golden Jubilee post to a special cause about which I have been writing and also acting upon, though in small measures as yet.

Far away from this thickening smoke,
There was a place that used to be.
Canopy of trees, a gleaming river,
As far as you could see.
The soil was rich, the weather pleasant,
So in came teeming crowds.
With time everything was gone,
Leaving behind smoking shrouds.
Now here is a jungle of concrete,
Where the so called humans reside.
For the love they got, they give back smoke,
While they work, sleep or drive.
I've heard, it's same everywhere,
The temperatures are rising high.
For more smoke that they will add,
Their children will have to cry.
Far away from this thickening smoke,
There was a place that used to be.
Going back there is not possible,
So please stop here, at least.
Click here to learn how you can reduce your carbon footprint and help in thwarting Global Warming in your day to day life. Though the tips overall pertain to lifestyle and habits of average Americans but contain some important tips for middle and upper class Indian families too.
Image Courtesy: (edited)
Vipul,nice poem with pic
like it
Vipul.well written post.So long as land mafia is in collaboration with the neta brigade,greenery-global warming will remain subjects for drawingroom discussions only.
congrats on ur 50 !!! the poem was great, buddy, so was the pic ... ur template is possibly the most versatile one i've seen ... anything goes with it and everything fits in it :)
Congratulations on your 50th post. I fell in love with the river in the picture. where is it.
hey congrats.. i too reached my 50 yesterday..... the picture is so good...
Wow so apt poem true buddy very true I never thought I'll start seeing the Global Warming thing so soon... Thanks for the link posting the carbon footprint calculation ... I think each of us can do our bit to reduce the carbon foot print in every way possible.... rest about doing something from converting the asli jungles with concrete ones rests on the Govt.(but they don't seem to care) ...
And a Big round of *Clap Clap Clap* for reaching yet another milestone of Golden Jubilee...
The picture is beautiful :) & so are the words :)
Have a great weekend ahead :)
@SM.. thanx buddy 4 dropping by nd appreciating:)
@Chowlaji.. thts d sad truth chowlaji.. thts why gave tht link so tht at least the people cn start with efforts at their homes:)
@Subhayan.. yup, white background really comes handy.. u'v also gone white right;)
@Bharathi.. thnx dude.. tht river is on the net.. lol! searchd it thru google bt edited it 2 make it look more beautiful.. so u may say its in my dreams.. far away from this thickening smoke:)
@Shankar.. congrats man 4 ur golden jubilee too:) lets race to the diamond now!
@Dhiman.. thnx a lot buddy! nd thnx 4 supporing the cause.. as they say charity begins at home.. so lets begin d efforts at homes nd along side force d govt 2 act.. Heres a link 2 an effort by Greenpeace demanding from govt, a Renewable Energy Law!
@Miss Kido.. thnx a lot dear. nd thnx 4 dropping by.. keep rtrning:)
Congratulations on your Golden Jubilee Post!
Looking forward to your Century Post soon !!
Great going !!!
thnx shilpa.. well cnt go as fast as u.. bt will surely reach the century mark if frnds like u keep rtrning 2 my blog:)
oh is the world nearing to an end ...i hope it doesnt, my blog wont hve any meaning if it does, God save the world...:))
congrates for the 50th post and the popularity u hve achieved.Keep rocking....and contributing
lastly may your words be heard. Tht's also important :D
thnx gautam.. well the world will not cum 2 an end as long as u keep rtrning 2 my blog.. lol
Congrats on your 50! The poem was lovely and the pic is awesome!
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thnx so mch Roshmi.. nd yeah will b untaging myslf of ur tag pretty soon:)
Well, do I need to say anything?
Do I have the authority?
A well paced poem with kinaesthetic value, I always wish to write poems like that but Alas! I am unfortunate!
I hit the environment site and did what I could do!
now u r being jus too humble buddy..
thnx 4 apprecating:)
WOW!!WOW!! WOW!!! Congratulations on the half century!! :D
Thanx man:)
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