Awards are raining big time. Within a month, it is the third recognition for my blog by a blogging community. My post A Curious Case of Corruption got selected for Saturday Spicy Picks on BlogAdda.
According to BlogAdda, this is
a post which talks about Corruption using a fictional story as a backdrop. A very thought provoking post that makes us wonder if we have accepted corruption as a part and parcel of our daily lives. A question we all need to answer.
BlogAdda "has started 'Tangy Tuesdays' and 'Spicy Saturdays' where BlogAdda picks up good posts from Indian blogosphere and serves it to the readers on tuesdays and saturdays. This way, good posts are acknowledged and readers get to read quality content.This is also an opportunity for everyone to interact even more in fruitful discussions."
So those who haven't read this post, do read it and those who have already done so, visit it again to read an update at the end where the real Sugandha comments about it.
Now coming to the awards showered by fellow Bloggers in past two days.
Bharathi Subbarayan, on his blog A Naked Opinion, recommends my blog to his readers in the latest post Recommended. This is what he has to say about me and my blog
He steals topic from my mind and often presents it in a more creative and better manner than I could think. He is again unbiased, witty (sometimes) and touches high quality topics. The high point about his blog is his narration style which would keep you away from boredom. He bestowed a wonderful title ‘empathic libertarian’ on me stating that I think like him. Considering the high quality of his blog, I treat this as a very good complement.
Nicky, another fellow Blogger, bestows upon me the
India needs politicians like him award
through her latest post on her blog, Bitch On.
It doesn't end here, as Subhayan "Wrahool" Mukerjee presents me with
"The Clear Headed Blogger" Award "for his fantastic posts and his radically different way of looking at things ... great going man ... !!!"
as part of the Wramblerz Awards on the occasion of his blog, Wrahoolz Wramblingz reaching 50 posts.
Thanks a lot, my friends for these awards. Keep this faith in me and my writings. Blogging becomes worthwhile because of friends like you. Keep returning to my blog for more spices.
Also read my posts about my previous achievements in last one month IndiBogger of the Month and Blog of the Day Award.
Image Courtesy:
http://www.blogadda.com/ (original)
congrats and
u've recieved an award in my blog too ... pls check!!!
Nice post and many congratulations!
hey subhayan thnx so mch.. i'v updatd my post:)
@roshmi.. thnx a ton.. keep returning:)
hey congrats vipul.... Its great..two awards in one day..
Thnx shankar n bharathi! its all thnx 2 frnds like u:)
Congrstulations!! mate!! way to go...u deserve them!! :)
hey thnx anjan 4 d kind wrds:)
Obviously your blog deserves the awards and I am a big time fan of Blogadda's "Tangy Tuesday" and "Spicy Saturday" picks I follow it very closely ...
thnx dude.. keep cuming 4 more spicy nd tangy stff;)
Congratulations! Great going!! :)
thnx shilpa:)
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